Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin
When our firm was founded in 1994, our idea was to build a firm of lawyers with superior academic credentials and professional capabilities who wanted to develop their practices in a creative and entrepreneurial environment. We think that we have succeeded. We have recruited extraordinarily talented individuals to join us. We have created a dynamic, engaging, and sometimes even entertaining office environment. The result is a highly regarded law firm that enjoys a growing national reputation for its quality work, innovative strategies, and excellent results.
We offer a broad range of legal services to local, regional, and national clients through our offices in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Norristown, Pennsylvania, and Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Our diverse range of practice areas includes complex litigation, business/corporate transactions, real estate, bankruptcy, education, environmental, family law, and tax and estate planning. We count among our clients universities, governmental entities, major corporations, individuals, and several of Philadelphia and the region's largest professional firms.
Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin
1 Logan Square
18th & Cherry St - 27th Floor
Philadelphia PA 19103-6933
Tel: 215 568-6200
Fax: 215 568-0300
Hangley Aronchick Segal & Pudlin offers a broad range of legal services to local, regional, and national clients.:
* Bankruptcy
* Business / Corporate
* Education
* Environmental Law
* Family Law
* Litigation
* Real Estate
* Tax and Estates
