Kevin Leckerman
DUI Cases can be Won! Ask Me How
DUI DWI Attorney
Leckerman Law is dedicated to aggressive and creative DUI / DWI defense in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Leckerman Law
1818 Market St #3740
Philadelphia PA 19103
Tel: 800 378-2110
Fax: 800 313-8177
Serving All of New Jersey and Southeastern Pennsylvania
Leckerman Law is a firm dedicated to protecting the rights of people accused of Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Driving After Imbibing (DAI), and drunk driving related criminal offenses.
Criminal defense attorney, Kevin Leckerman, exclusively practices DWI defense throughout the entire State of New Jersey and DUI defense in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
Mr. Leckerman helped to change the law in New Jersey concerning witnesses who collect and test blood samples in DWI investigations. He is certified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to administer the same Standardized Field Sobriety Tests used by police in DUI / DWI investigations. DWI attorney Leckerman has received extensive training concerning breath testing and blood testing for the determination of blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
Police and prosecutors have both immense financial resources and cutting-edge technology at their disposal to prosecute citizens accused of violating the drunk driving laws. The results of a DWI / DUI conviction can be devastating.
That is why hiring an experienced DWI / DUI defense attorney is the best choice a person can make when determining what to do when facing a drunk driving charge. With extensive training and many thousands of hours of DWI / DUI litigation experience, DUI attorney Kevin Leckerman allows his clients to walk into a court room with confidence that the right result will happen for them.
Areas of Practice
Throughout the entire State of New Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania, Leckerman Law, LLC handles all DUI / DWI cases and drunk driving related criminal and traffic matters, including, but not limited to:
* Refusal to Submit Samples for Testing traffic offense;
* Aggravated Assault by Vehicle criminal offense;
* Aggravated Assault (DUI / DWI related) criminal offense;
* Homicide by Vehicle while DUI / DWI criminal offense;
* Manslaughter (DUI / DWI related) criminal offense;
* Involuntary Manslaughter (DUI / DWI related) criminal offense;
* Recklessly Endangering Another Person criminal offense;
* Theft of an Automobile (DUI / DWI related) criminal offense;
* Receiving Stolen Property - Auto (DUI / DWI related) criminal offense;
* Unauthorized Use of Automobile (DUI / DWI related) criminal offense;
* Fleeing and Eluding criminal offense;
* Firearms Offenses criminal offense;
* Leaving the Scene of an Accident criminal offense;
* Underage DUI criminal and traffic offenses;
* Possession or Consumption of Alcohol in Vehicle criminal and traffic offenses;
* Drug Offenses (DUI / DWI related) criminal offense;
* Driving While Suspended traffic offense;
* Racing traffic offense;
* Reckless Driving traffic offense;
* Careless Driving traffic offense;
* Speeding traffic offense;
* Failure to Maintain Lane traffic offense;
* All other lesser included traffic offenses;
* Appeals of license suspension for Refusal traffic offense.
