Richard A Jaffe
Philadelphia Workers Compensation Attorney | Pennsylvania Workers Comp Lawyer | Allentown PA Injured Workers Law Firm
Injured on the job? Philadelphia workers' compensation lawyer Richard Jaffe fights for workers' rights to benefits in Pennsylvania.
Law Offices of Richard A Jaffe LLC
2 Penn Center #1922
1500 John F Kennedy Blvd
Philadelphia PA 19102
Tel: 215 268-7348; 866 959-8856
Fax: 215 496-9609
Pennsylvania SSDI Attorney
For 24-plus years, Pennsylvania attorney Richard A. Jaffe has been representing the rights of people who have injuries or illnesses that do not allow them to work. Mr. Jaffe understands how difficult it can be to come to terms with not being able to work and participate in this aspect of American society. The Social Security Administration, however, takes a different approach.
Most people who apply for Social Security Disability Benefits (SSD) are turned down the first time they apply. Many of them then give up, before even asking for a Request for Reconsideration or a hearing before a judge, which is exactly what the administration hopes for.
Fighting for the Injured for 24-Plus Years. Philadelphia Social Security Disability Attorney.
Our law firm has been very successful in helping our clients at every stage of the Social Security Disability claims process, from the initial application stage, to representation at hearings before administrative law judges, and appeals to the appeals council. We do not give up on a case. Our work has aided clients like these in obtaining benefits:
* Social Security Disability benefits for people injured who are over the age of 50
* Social Security Disability benefits for people injured who are between 18 and 49
* Social Security Disability benefits for people who have suffered catastrophic injury, people who have auto-immune disease, nerve damage, mental illness or other injuries
* Social Security Disability for workers injured in the workplace
We know the language that the Social Security Administration speaks; we understand how it reviews and determines disability injuries; and we can ensure that all the necessary information is provided to the administration to improve your chances of being awarded disability benefits.
Representing Injured Workers in SSD and Workers' Compensation Claims
Our law firm also represents clients in workers' compensation claims when they have suffered workplace injuries . We can help make sure that there is no gap in your income by timing the application of your Social Security claim to complement your workers' compensation claim timeline.
