Sanjuanita Gonzalez
With more than 50 years combined experience, Cohen, Fluhr & Gonzalez, P.C. is committed to providing the highest quality legal services at reasonable fees to all of our clients. Client satisfaction is our number one goal. Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Cohen, Fluhr & Gonzalez, P.C. represents clients throughout the U.S. as well as abroad. Our attorneys have gained praise for their creative solutions and compassion shown in each case.
Cohen, Fluhr & Gonzalez PC
1608 Walnut St #1108
Philadelphia PA 19103
Tel: 215 854-0060
Social Security / SSI Disability Law
We can assist you at all levels of the administrative claims process, including the initial application stage as well as at your hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. We also handle appeals before the Social Security Appeals Council and at the Federal Court level.
What we can do:
* Analyze the facts and law of your situation to determine the strongest arguments to win your case.
* Obtain the proper records from your healthcare providers.
* Assist you in keeping records that will detail your condition and the extent of your disability.
* Monitor the status of your claim as it proceeds through the complicated Social Security Administration system.
* Ensure that you receive all Social Security Disability Insurance and SSI disability benefits to which you are entitled.
No fee is charged in Social Security/SSI disability cases until your case is approved.
